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Meet the dogs (oldest to youngest)
BLAZE 31.08.2007 - 7.06.2021

Foxbarton Taitinger JW ShCM AW(B)


Blaze was Val's first agility dog and they started new to the sport in Grade 1.  Blaze retired after winning into Grade 4 and earning enough points for his Bronze Agility Warrant.  The JW, which gave Blaze his stud book number, and the ShCM titles are from breed showing. Blaze won 2 Reserve Challenge Certificate and has had 3 VHC placings at Crufts during his show career.

Our hearts were broken when we sadly had to say goodbye to our beautiful and much loved boy.  Our home is not the same without him, but he will live on in our hearts forever.  He achieved so much, and taught us so much ....We love and miss Blaze very much, and we are so grateful he was part of our lives for nearly 14 years.

POPPY 13.09.2009 - 3.03.2022

Kirkwind Poppet At Kirkbridgend AW(D)


Poppy was Lindsey's first agility dog, starting in Grade 1 and progressing all the way through the grades up to Championship level and even competing in a Championship Final.  She had an amazing 2019 and ended the year winning The Agility Club Large G6 league. Poppy retired having amassed the impressive amount of agility warrant points of 1995, more than enough for the top award of Diamond Agility Warrant. She gained her stud book number at a Championship Breed Show.

Our hearts broke into a million pieces.  I can't believe I will never hold you in my arms kissing you again and you won't ever be cuddling up to me again, wriggling and licking for more love.  Poppy was the most amazing dog, always the perfect pet/companion/family member that I wanted when I chose and met her at 3 weeks old and collected her at 8 weeks. Today she joins the love of her life, Shadow, leaving us in the hands of her daughter Ellie and grandchildren Thea and Cole.  


CHASE 11.06.2012

Laceway Phoenix With Taytinja AW(S)


Chase began competing in Grade 3.  Chase won into Grade 7 however, as his wins were at Lower Height Option (before the introduction of Intermediate height), he is not qualified for Championship classes. Chase measured into the new intermediate height, however 2  years out during the COVID pandamic meant it was a struggle for Chase to come back to competitive agility and so we retired, having lots of fun in the anysize classes.   Chase has his Silver Agility Warrant and he gained his Stud Book number at Southern Border Collie Club's Breed Championship Show by coming 2nd in Open Dog on 8th April 2018.


SKYLA 1.08.2015

Jupavia Midnight Secret By Taytinja


Skyla is Blaze's daughter, one of the Jupavia Secrets.  Her mum is Jupavia May Be Dreaming (Evie), and I honestly thought I was - Skyla was my dream, a Blaze baby.  She began competing in Grade 3 and has won into Grade 5. She has been measured into Intermediate.  Skyla has qualified for Crufts Breed Show every year and won Reserve in the Undergraduate Bitch class in 2019.  On the 1st September 2022 Skyla won her stud book number, qualifying her for Crufts for life, making her my 3rd Border Collie to gain their stud book number.

Skyla Kelluki September 2020.jpg
BROOKE 8.06.2021

Moshanta Magic Penny For Taytinja JW


Brooke joined our family at the end of July 2021.  Her dam is Laceway Etched In Gold at Moshanta JW (Echo), Chase's niece, and her sire is Moshanta May Contain Nuts JW (Flynn).

Brooke has been very successful in her Puppy show career twice winning Breed Club Best Puppy In Show, twice being Best Puppy In Breed at championship shows and was Reserve Best In Show at Eastbourne & District Canine Society 2023.  At 11 months she gained enough points to claim a Junior Warrant, which gives her a studbook number and qualifies her for Crufts for life.  Brooke was placed 1st in Limit Bitch at East Anglian Border Collie club, thereby cementing her claim to her studbook number.

Brooke has measured into Medium !  Her first season competing saw her win 2nd places in both Agility and Jumping.  She loves agility and has great drive.  Looking forward to making our way up the grades once again.  


ELLIE 21.07.2013

Kirkbridgend Rock Star AW(P)


Ellie is home bred by Lindsey out of Poppy.  Ellie started her agility career in Grade 2 and has progressed to Grade 7 and competed in her first Championship Agility show at Bretford 2021.  In 2019 she was 8th in The Agility Club Large G5 league even with Lindsey restricting her to jumping for the majority of the season.

Ellie gained her stud book number at a Championship Breed Show which qualifies her for Crufts for life.  Ellie produced a litter of 5 puppies and Lindsey kept Cole and Thea from this litter.

COLE 10.06.2016

Kirkbridgend Kairos


Cole is home bred by Lindsey out of Ellie and is litter mate to Thea. Cole has been successful in the Show Ring qualifying for Crufts Breed Show every year gaining 3rd place in the Good Citizen Dog showing class 2019 and 2020. He has had a patchy start to his agility career due to injury but loves what he has done. Cole has measured into Large. Cole has been used at stud, his first litter producing 9 healthy puppies.

THEA 10.06.2016

Kirkbridgend Athena AW(G)


Thea, a blue & white bitch, is home bred by Lindsey out of Ellie and is litter mate to Cole.  Thea started agility in Grade 3 and has already gained her Bronze Agility Warrant and now runs at Grade 5 with 2 wins towards Grade 6.  Thea was placed 4th in The Agility Club Large G3 league in 2019. She measured into Intermediate and has qualified for Crufts Breed Show every year.

ZEB 22.08.2016

Cashindie Prince Albert at Taytinja


Zeb joined our family on Christmas Eve 2022.  Now 6 years old,  he went to live with a family in Scotland when he was just 8 weeks old.  Sometimes, things just don't work out and the long and short of it is, he was returned to his breeder.  When I heard he was in trouble, I said, he is coming home to where he was made.

Sired by my Blaze, I would not let him go into rescue.  Instead, he joined my pack, and if he will let me, I'll have a go at showing him too as he is a beautiful and well constructed red boy.  He is being trained at scentwork and is doing some lovely work!

Zeb is the name I gave him (new home, new start, new name), letters from his father's name and at the other side of the alphabet to his first name.  My hope and dream is to give Zeb the very best life for his remaining years.

NYS 20.12.2020

Crantzfold Dionyses With Kirkbridgend



LUNA 17.08.2024

Taytinja Defying Gravity


Homebred girl out of my Brooke (Moshanta Magic Penny For Taytinja JW), sired by Flash (Sh Ch Laceway Don't Stop Me Now).  

STAR 17.08.2024

Taytinja Shooting Star


Homebred girl out of my Brooke (Moshanta Magic Penny For Taytinja JW), sired by Flash (Sh Ch Laceway Don't Stop Me Now).  

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